Make a Payment to Palmer:

Use the buttons below to make your deposit or payment to Palmer Industries:
Your Palmer sales rep should have given you a deposit amount to enter.
After clicking the “Pay Now” button below, you will be taken to a secure payment page.
Credit Card Users:
Palmer charges a fee of 3.5% on all credit card transactions
Palmer charges a processing fee for credit card payments. If this fee is not already added into your total, please add 3.5% to your payment. Otherwise, we will add it later as a separate transaction. There is no charge for check payments (ACH/EFT).
Palmer Industries/ is certified as secure in our processing of online payments from credit cards and checking accounts. Palmer can only see the last four digits of any account number, and all payments are processed directly and securely through our PCI compliant merchant portal.
We do not store any sensitive information or take account numbers over the phone or via email.